Publications and Works
2020 MYRIOI. J. Kuchera-Morin, A. Cabrera, K. H. Kim, G. Rincon, T. Wood ACM SIGGRAPH 2020
2019 Sonification Workstation. S. Phillips, A. Cabrera 25th International Conference on Auditory Display
2019 NYIA [Oro]: Exploraciones Narrativas para la AlloSphere y otros medios inmersivos de gran formato. A. Cabrera , R. Escallon AES Latinamerican Conference 2019, Lima, Peru
2019 Presentacion de obra: NYIA [Oro]. A. Cabrera and R. Escallón Cuadernos de Música, Artes Visuales y Artes Escénicas
2017 NYIA [Oro]. Immerive interactive multimedia installation. Presented at the UCSB Allosphere November 3 and 4, 2017
2017 PROBABLY/POSSIBLY? An Immersive Interactive Visual/Sonic Quantum Composition and Synthesizer. J. Kuchera-Morin, L. Putnam, L. Peliti, D. Adderton, A. Cabrera, et. al. Proceedings of MM ’17: ACM Multimedia Conference
2017 Stride on Saturn M7 for Interactive Musical Instrument Design. J. Tilbian, A. Cabrera, S. Martin, L. Olczyk NIME’17 New Interfaces for Musical Expression
2017 Stride for Interactive Musical Instrument Design. J. Tilbian, A. Cabrera NIME’17 New Interfaces for Musical Expression
2016 The Evolution of Spatial Audio in the AlloSphere. A. Cabrera, J. Kuchera-Morin and C. Roads Computer Music Journal
2016 ADEPT: A framework for adaptive digital audio effects. O. Campbell, C. Roads, A. Cabrera, M. Wright, Y. Visell Proceedings of the 2nd AES Workshop on Intelligent Music Production
2016 Angkasa: A software tool for spatio-temporal granulation. M. H. wan Rosli, A. Cabrera 12th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR 2016)
2016 CREATE Studio Report. C. Roads, A. Cabrera, J. Kuchera-Morin and C. Barlow International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2016)
2016 Stride: A Declarative and Reactive Language for Sound Synthesis and Beyond. J. Tilbian, A. Cabrera International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2016)
2016 Moldeando el Espacio Sonoro. A. Cabrera Ideas Sonicas, Centro Mexicano para la Música y Artes Sonoras
2015 The New Developments in Csound 6. J. ffitch, M. Gogins, V. Lazzarini, S. Yi, A. Cabrera International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2015)
2015 Serverless and Peer-to-peer distributed interfaces for musical control. A. Cabrera NIME’15 New Instruments for Musical Expression
2015 Gestalt Principles in Multimodal Data Representation. M. H. wan Rosli, A. Cabrera IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
2015 Granular Model of Multidimensional Spatial Sonification. M. H. wan Rosli, A. Cabrera, C. Roads and M. Wright Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference 2015(SMC 15)
2015 Interactive Sonification with Csound: Introducing Icsound. A. Cabrera Proceedings of the 3rd International Csound Conference
2008-2015 CsoundQt IDE. Original developer and maintainer until community took over development in 2015. Has been used to teach and compose with CsoundQt in numerous institutions around the world.
2014 Application of Gestalt Principles to Multimodal Data Representation. M. H. wan Rosli, A. Cabrera Proceedings of the IEEE VIS 2014 Arts ProgramVISAP’14
2013 CsoundQt Workflows. A. Cabrera Proceedings of the 2nd International Csound Conference
2013 Multichannel control of spatial extent through sinusoidal partial modulation. A. Cabrera, G. Kendall Sound and Music Computing Conference 2013
2013 Recreation of Jose Vicente Asuar’s pioneering computer music system “Comdasuar” in python for the Raspberri Pi.
2013 Panelist in Latinamerican Forum IV: “Computer Music in Chile 1970-1980” 19th International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) Sydney, Australia
2012 Two chapters: “Developing CsoundQt” and “Python Scripting in QuteCsound” in: Ways Ahead: Proceedings of the First International Csound Conference. Edited by: Joachim Heintz, Alex Hofmann and Iain McCurdy, ISBN: 1-4438-4758-52012 Cambridge Scholars Publishing
2011 Why things don’t work: What you need to know about spatial audio. G. Kendall, A. Cabrera International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2011)
2010 Binaural Room Impulse Responses for Composition, Documentation, Virtual Acoustics and Audio Augmented Environments. M. Rumori, F. Hollerweger, A. Cabrera 26th Tonmeistertagung - VDT International Convention 2010
2010 Pseudo-Stereo Techniques.Csound Implementation. A. Cabrera Csound Journal
2010 QuteCsound: A Csound front-end. A. Cabrera Linux Audio Conference
2010 DVD Chapters 17:“Dynamic Range Processing” and 22:“Graphical User Interfaces for Audio Programs usingthe Qt Toolkit” in The Audio Programming Book. Edited by Richard Boulanger and Victor Lazzarini, ISBN: 02620144672010 MIT Press
2009 An overview of Csound data types. A. Cabrera Csound Journal
2007 Berebere-Datajam. Live electronics and video from Berebere data, network performance. A. Burbano, L. Shori A. Duque, A. Cabrera, R. Dueñas, J. Jaramillo, C. Martinez, J. Reyes, G. Zea Matik-matik.
2007 El artista y las herramientas de su arte. A. Cabrera Primer encuentro de investigaciones musicales ACOFARTES. Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango
2007 El Principito. Theater production. Sound design, on stage live electronics. Teatro Municipal Jorge Eliecer Gaitan.
2007 La Gallina Ciega. Theatrical monologue by Ana Toro and Constanza Duque. A. Cabrera: sound design. Teatro Libre de Chapinero
2007 Using Python inside Csound: An introduction to the Python opcodes. A. Cabrera Csound Journal
2007 Audio Metering and Linux. A. Cabrera Linux Audio Conference
2007 Gamelan Electronico. Interactive installation by Alba Fernanda Triana. Design of interface, interactivity and software development. Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango
2006 Identifying and analyzing characteristics of dynamic range compression. A. Cabrera Digital Audio Effects Conferenc DAFX06. Accepted, but withdrawn due to inability to travel.
2006 Ramalazo. Live electronics. A. Cabrera, D. Prieto, Festival de musica electronica y nuevos medios. Universidad San Buenaventura.
2006 Cefiro: viento suave del oeste. Live audio electronics. J. Reyes, R. Garcia, A. Cabrera Festival Watts. Centro Colombo Americano.
2005 “Mariposas” Audiovisual fixed media. A. Cabrera. Presented at Csound Techno Day, Rome
2005 Gemini Flux: música electrónica, improvisación y código abierto. A. Cabrera Proceedings of the X Brasilian Symposium of Computer Music(SBCM 2005)
2005 “01-Radioreloj” Live interactive multimedia performance . Gemini Flux: Andres Cabrera and Gonzalo Sagarminaga Ciclo Colon Electronico, Teatro Colon, Bogota
2004 Diseño de un delay espectral en Pure Data. A. Cabrera 1st Latin-American Congress of Audio Colombia 2004
2002 Music for the landscape sculpture “Bosque Reimplantado” by Alberto Riaño Set up in Bogota, Medellin and Barranquilla